Investors FAQs

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On which exchange is Omega listed, what is the ticker symbol and when did it go public?
Omega’s stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol OMGA. Omega’s initial public offering (IPO) occurred in July 2021. Our CUSIP number is 68217N 105.
Where is Omega Incorporated?
We are incorporated in Delaware.
Where are Omega's Corporate Headquarters?
Our headquarters are located at 140 First Street, Suite 501, Cambridge, MA 02141
How can I purchase shares?
Shares may be purchased through a financial services provider of your choice.
Omega does not have a direct stock purchase plan.
Who is Omega's transfer agent?

Computershare Trust Company, Inc.

P.O. Box 505000
Louisville, KY 40233-5000
1-800-736-3001 (from the US, Canada, Puerto Rico)
1-781-575-3100 (non-US)

Whom do I contact with questions about my stock (i.e. stock transfers, change of address, or share statements)?
For questions about your stock please contact our transfer agent Computershare Trust Company, Inc.
Who is Omega's independent auditor?
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Who is Omega’s legal counsel?
The legal counsel of Omega is Latham & Watkins, LLP.
What is Omega's fiscal year-end?
December 31st.
How can I get a copy of your Annual Report or any other Investor materials?
You can get them on our website or you can send a request by email to

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